Otherwise RIP will never propagate this static route
RIP Commands
To configure RIP in a router, you have to enable it at first as shown below:
Router (config) #router rip
Router (config-router) # network
Note: you do not need to add any mask to start RIP routing process in a Cisco router. You need to add all the directly connected networks using the network command as shown above.
If you want to use RIP version 2 then, you need to mention it when you enable it in your router.
Router (config) #router rip
Router (config-router) #version 2
If you want to limit RIP broadcast traffic in a particular interface, you can do so using the passive-interface command. Remember that when you configure passive interface command in RIP, it will only receive RIP updates from the neighbours, but will not send any updates.
Example: suppose you can want to stop sending RIP updates through your fastEthernet 0/1.
Router (config) #router rip
Router (config-router) # passive-interface fasthEthernet 0/1
Redistribute static route into RIP
Suppose, you have created a static route in the same router that is running RIP. If you want RIP to advertise this static route to its neighbours, you have to tell it to your router using a redistribute command. Otherwise, RIP will never propagate this static route.
Router#configure terminal