A9 is a business that has been owned by Amazon since 2003 and is the company that develops the search engine that Amazon uses. They have licensed the search engine out to other large companies such as Marks and Spencers, Timbaland, and Mango. But what does that mean?
For us, it means that other companies are using the exact same search algorithm that Amazon uses. Now, if other companies are using it, then it means that those companies need help integrating their search engine into their websites. So, they will employ developers to write code to integrate the search engine. Those developers do not work for Amazon and are usually based in India.
We know that there must be a way to see the code because there would be manuals that teach people how to integrate the search engine into websites. We also know that there must be a lot of actual source code available for developers to use so that they can perform the integrations.
Here it is: The Amazon Search Engine Sort Code.
There are many things called “sort values” and the majority are not applied unless a sort parameter is included in the request. There are two sort values, however, that are used by default.