Review your SomedayMaybe folder and determine if anything should be set to active status
10. Weekly Review
Chapter Plan
- Implement a weekly review process
A weekly review(another David Allen GTD concept) is an opportunity to step outside of the day to day and make sure you are on track and focused on the right projects and tasks. CYD provides tools to manage, categorize and prioritize your work flow through the use of the CYD, Context and Project folders discussed in earlier chapters. The goal of the weekly review is to clean out and re-prioritize the content in your folders (lists).
You should try to define a scheduled time each week to perform your weekly review. I try to block out time on Fridays to accomplish this, if my schedule gets too hectic, I sometimes switch to bi-weekly or even monthly reviews at times. This is not optimum, my point is that everything I’ve talked about in this book is flexible. You can’t let your system control you, it is there to support you. I have listed out the key components of a successful weekly review and the detailed steps on how to complete the review.
Here are the key components of the CYD Weekly Review
- Clean out overdue messages from your CYD folder (clear out everything in red - Overdue).
- Review your project folders and remove any folders that are no longer relevant.
- Review your category list and remove any categories that are no longer relevant.
- Move your completed messages from Inbox to InboxPro (ignore if you have the auto-filing macro setup).