If You Are A Small Fish Trying To Enter An Extremely Competitive Market Such

List building


- Achieve a much larger overall number of customers to your site by running pay-per-click in tandem with your other marketing efforts.

- In most cases, achieve a positive financial return on your marketing spend and keep on selling to these customers in the future.

There is one caveat to the last point. If you are a small fish trying to enter an extremely competitive market, such as house loans, insurance or international plane flights, its likely the big players in the market are buying a large amount of advertising, forcing the average cost-per-click to astronomical prices, and making it difficult for new players to get a profitable return.

If youre selling pizza delivery in New York, pool cleaning in Los Angeles, or cheap baseball jackets... In other words, if youre selling a common local trade, service, or product online, its likely you can receive a profitable return on your advertising spend.

While pay-per-click marketing really deserves its own book, this is a quick and dirty bonus chapter, jam-packed with just enough information to get a pay-per-click campaign setup, avoid common mistakes, and send more customers and sales to your business.

If you want to delve deeper into the science of pay-per-click advertising, Ive included some great resources on AdWords at the end of the chapter. Sound good? Lets get started.

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