a put a link of it in your bio and mention the link in

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  1. What do you call the emails that are automatically sent after a person signs up?

A) Autosender

B) Autorepeater

C) Autoresponder

D) Autoblogger

  1. What is an example of an email campaign management service?

A) GoDaddy

B) Aweber

C) Facebook Pixels

D) Google AdWords

  1. What do you call the faster, stripped down version of webpages used by Google for displaying content in mobile devices




D) Instant Articles

  1. How do you share your email subscription form in Instagram?

A) Put a link of it in your bio and mention the link in your posts

B) Put a link in your bio and the description of your posts

C) Use private messaging to reach random people

D) Comment the link in the images and videos of celebrities

  1. In which placement position is an email form most likely to be engaged with?

A) In the sidebar

B) In-content

C) In the footer

D) In a new window pop-up

  1. This is the part of the email subscription call-to-action that states the offer that only you can give the audience. You offer this feature to them in exchange for giving up their email addresses in the form…

A) Free products

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